Hello everyone! Wow it really has been a very long time since I last blogged. I bet none of you have missed me that much.
In the last three months I just haven't been able to write. I've been busy studying my uni course, and have managed to submit two assignments, attend regular evening tutorials, and even a day school! I am absolutely enjoying every minute of it, and I feel like its really doing me some good. An aim to accomplish something for myself.
In the last few months I have learnt that I have been suffering with PND, that might also be why I've had this major writers block, and not found any inspiration to blog or do anything. It seems that now I am settled, everything that's happened to me over the last few years have hit me hard, and are coming at me now, rather than before.
I was offered anti depressants but I still haven't made my mind up yet, I want to be able to be strong enough to over come it by myself. My HV has also referred me to Mind but again I'm still not that sure about it.
I've been trying to make new friends via Netmums, and have clicked with a few lovely ladies, but I find it hard to be out there so to speak. Hence why I'm putting all my effort in to uni and studying ect.
My LO has obviously grown and changed in to a truly lovely tantruming toddler, who fusses over some foods, and crosses her arms with a "HMPH!" It will be her birthday in January, so I've been getting Christmas presents ready and planning ahead. Still haven't a clue what to do for her 2nd birthday. but I'm sure I'll come up with something!
We are staying at home this Christmas, last year I was at my dads, so this will be my first year alone! I'm going to be doing the Christmas dinner all by myself with all the trimmings!
This year I have learnt how to knit and sew, with which I am hoping to be able to make some nice homemade presents too. In the next few weeks, LO and I will be making homemade mice pies, so watch this space for the recipe. And we will be decorating the house with hand crafted decs, and also some shop bought decs too ;). I need to find a nice tree soon! Last year was a complete nightmare, I bought a real one, and I was just constantly cleaning it with a broken hoover! My DH was not impressed to say the least.
So I'm going to be doing some catch up posts, please forgive me for my long absence, I hope you enjoy reading my posts.
Lucy x
Welcome back :) sorry to hear about the pnd, so cliche but with time and enforcing positive thoughts little by little helps loads. I've been studying too so I know that the balance of normal every day life mixed with blogging can be challenging but super enjoyable. Looking forward to reading your catch up posts xx