Sunday, 27 July 2014

Mummy Mummy - Listen And Put Down Your Phone

Mummy mummy,
Can see me?
Mummy mummy,
Look what I just found!

Mummy mummy,
Look what I can do,
Mummy mummy
Are you proud?

Mummy mummy,
Put down your phone!
Mummy mummy,
I don't want to play on my own.

Mummy mummy,
I don't mean to irritate or annoy,
Mummy mummy
Please don't ignore.

Mummy mummy,
Why are you always at that sink?
Mummy mummy
Can I have drink?

Mummy mummy,
Can I have a cuddle?
Mummy mummy
I made my toys in a bit of a muddle

Mummy mummy,
Read to me?
Mummy mummy,
Do you not see me?

Mummy mummy,
It's my favourite word!
Mummy mummy,
Oh please observe!

For you see I'm learning everyday,
I know that if I make a big mess, 
That you will will come and clear it away,
Even if you are a bit stressed.

If I kick the cat,
You'll come threaten with a small smack,
But I like it when you talk to me,
And I want your attention just like that!

I'am only little once mummy,
So please let's play and have fun,
Let's dance around,
And make silly sounds.

Put down your phone mummy,
You can check it later,
Don't dust the cobwebs,
The spiders will only chase you.

Let's tidy the toys when I'm sleeping,
Wash and clean whilst I'am dreaming,
For everyday mummy mummy,
I just want your love and attention.

* I wrote this poem, whilst realising the other day, that most parents including myself are spending not enough attention on actually playing with their children, we should be getting down to their level and thinking the way they think, and enjoying every second of their little lives. The phone, cleaning and everything else can wait till the evening. And that's why I now realise that when my lo starts to act naughty, throwing things, making a big mess etc she just wants my attention and she deserves it :-)


  1. Wonderful words put into lovely poetry! It is an important reminder to all parents! Our little ones will not be little forever so we should cherish them while we can.

  2. Thank you for your kind comment, I'm glad I got the point I was trying to make across. I see it everywhere with parents, whilst at the park, out shopping etc hopefully we can all wake up soon for the sake of you children. X

  3. I really really like this. It's so easy to get caught up and not stay in the present with our little ones. A lovely reminder :) x

  4. Cute poem and point taken! I put my phone aside when we are playing, but sometimes it is tempting to look at it.

  5. Awww this is lovely. And it makes feel a bit teary too. I hate to think of my baby not being a baby anymore, but all I can do is enjoy him while I can

    Thanks for linking up with #SundayBest!


  6. It can be very tempting, and I find myself sometimes paying too much attention to lots of technology rather than spending the quality time my lo needs, and thinking she's just being naughty, when in actual fact she's asking me for her attention. Lesson learnt! Thank you all for your lovely comments, it all means so much to hear from you.
    Lucy x
